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July 12, 7 pm8:30 pm.

Vocabaret: The Weather Retort

This month’s forecast: parting storms with a new edition of Vocabaret breaking through on July 12 to clear the air on exactly how climate change and extreme weather are reshaping our language.

We’ll also get into the eye of the capitalism storm, chase down the origins of hurricane names and attempt to answer whether we can ever truly predict the weather.

At Vocabaret, New York City’s most-decorated wordsmiths come together for an eclectic variety hour (and a half) of raucous wordplay, etymological deep dives, and alphabetic absurdity that investigates the intersection of language and everyday life, inspired by a new theme each month.

It’s hosted by five heavyweight champions of the word: Sam Corbin, Tim Donnelly, Jerzy Gwiazdowski, Ally Spier, and Nikolai Vanyo. They’ve racked up more than 100 titles at pun competitions around the globe; written zingers and tongue twisters for broadcast, radio, and print; and once confused the heck out of America’s Got Talent.


“Sunglasses are a must or you will be blinded by their brilliance.” – Barry Corbin, Sam’s dad

“When I read that the show was about ‘conjugation,’ boy was I surprised when they started talking about verbs!” – Todd Farnsworth, a returning audience dad

“We laughed. We cried. We wet our pants, and that’s not just because we’re old!” – Martha Farnsworth, a returning audience mom

Come see the show that TimeOut has called one of the best “Things to Do” in the city and The New York Times praised as “a night of witty wordplay.


21 A Clinton St
New York, NY 10002 United States