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The Crucible – Presented by AfterWork Theater

March 20 & 21, 8 – 10:30 pm. March 22 & 23, 12 – 2:30 pm & 4 – 6:30 pm.
The Crucible Ticket Banner

This Crucible is not your English teacher’s retelling. The Crucible is a play by Arthur Miller that tells the fictionalized story of the 1692 Salem witch trials. The play is set in the Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts, and explores themes of hysteria, conformity, and the dangers of mass manipulation. For AWT’s winter play, we will lean into the horror of the Salem Witch Trials, exploring what happens when communities turn on each other and allow madness to take hold. Get ready to dive into suspense, shock, and blood grief as we dive deep into the woods of Salem and dance with the witches in the pale moonlight.



344 E 14th St
New York, New York 10003