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Schtick A Pole In It: a night of comedy & pole dancing

March 21, 8 pm10 pm.
real witches2

From comedians Dan Goodman and JoAnna Ross comes NYC’s best and only, Comedy and Pole Dancing show. Schtick a Pole In It has been around for 12 years and featured in the NYTimes, TimeOutNY, Gothamist and AMNY. Schtick starts with a comic and ends with a pole dancer. 5 comics and 5 dancers. Comics tell jokes. Pole dancers pole dance. It’s 2 shows for the price of one. You laugh till ya pee and then scream for the dancers who just defied gravity.

Every month we have a musical theme and this month we are celebrating Wicked. The Movie The Musical are both “Popular”. “What is This Feeling”? It’s pure excitement! If you don’t see shows like this, why are you paying the NYC rents?

Schtick A Pole In It: Wicked Edition
Fri & Sat March 21st & 22nd
DROM -85 ave A,10009
Doors @730. Show starts promptly @ 8pm
(212) 777-1157

$40 Guaranteed seating /$50 VIP front rows
21+ 2 drink minimum

No Refunds
Lineup Subject to change


85 Avenue A
New York, New York 10009