Post-Election Interfaith Service: Vigil for the Healing of the World
This interfaith service is a moment of reflection, healing, and community as the country awaits the results of the presidential election. The vigil will be held at 7:00 p.m., where people from diverse faiths and walks of life will come together to pray, sing, and share creative expressions of hope for our collective futures.
We will be joined by the Rt. Rev. Matthew F. Heyd, 17th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York; the Rt. Rev. Lawrence Provenzano, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island; the Rev. Dr. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of the Interfaith Center of NY; Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, Executive Vice President of The New York Board of Rabbis; the Rev. Al Sharpton, Founder and President of the National Action Network, and other prominent faith leaders and justice advocates.