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NYC! The Players Theatre Short Play Festival 2024

June 7, 7 pm.

Be Bold! Productions Presents
The 13th Annual
Players Theatre
Short Play Festival – NYC

Week 1: June 6th-9th
In Transit by Carol Croland
Why in New York by Maria Agapi
City of Strangers by Rafael Lyrio
Intermission Play by Dakota Silvey
The Therapy Session by Risa Lewak

Week 2: June 13th-16th
Waiting for the 6 by Maddy Stillman
A Wandering Life by Richie Altmanshofer
INTERVIEW by Steve Fogelman
Busking in the Square by Herut Ashkenazi
Married Stranger by Alan CordoBa-Diaz

Week 3: June 20th-23rd
Duck, Duck, Pigeon by Kathryn Loggins
Gimme the Light by Rishi Chowdhary
Old Man by Lorenzo Duran
Locked Out by Veronica Murphy
The Ansonia by Brenda Bell


115 MacDougal St.
New York City, NY 10012 United States