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NYC Emerging Artist Bazaar

May 19, 10 am5 pm.
5 – Emerging Artist Bazaar

Get ready for a day filled with color, creativity, and discovery at our vibrant gathering of artists and artisans! This event is not just an art exhibition; it’s a celebration of local talent, a playground for art lovers, and a wonderland for those seeking to shop for unique and original art.

Dive into a kaleidoscope of art and craft where you can meet and mingle with both emerging and established independent local artists. Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a first-time buyer, or a seasoned collector, this event offers an inspiring array of original paintings, captivating drawings, stunning photographs, unique prints, playful illustrations, intricate sculptures, and an array of handcrafted wonders. Each piece is not just a creation; it’s a conversation starter, a story waiting to be shared.

As you browse through the diverse collection of artists, let your eyes and heart guide you. Fall in love with a piece that speaks to you, and rest assured, there’s something here for every taste, style, and wallet. Plus, with Tony the Framer on-site, any piece you choose can be beautifully framed to your custom specifications, making it ready to adorn your space.

But the artistic journey doesn’t end there. The event also features a curated selection of over 100 independent fashion designers, craft makers, antique and vintage dealers, and artisanal food entrepreneurs. This blend of art and craftsmanship creates a vibrant shopping experience, celebrating the talent and creativity of NYC’s artisan community. Where you get to meet and shop directly from the artists and artisans themselves.

Indulge your senses – visually, artistically, and gastronomically! Come hungry for unique finds and delicious bites, and leave with your arms full of art and your heart full of memories.

This is where to shop like a local insider, immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of local artistry, and leave with treasures that tell a story.


100 West 77th Street
New York, United States