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Metra: A Climate Revolution with Songs

This event has already taken place.May 23, 2 – 4 pm.
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Metra: a Climate Revolution with Songs – Concert Reading

Date: Wednesday, May 22 at 7:30 PM and Thursday, May 23 at 2:00 PM

Location: Judson Memorial Church

2043. Despite lip service to climate action, the fossil fuel industry continues to thrive. Shit’s bad. The rich continue to ignore it, isolated in air-conditioned Bubble communities and reaping the benefits of disaster capitalism. But in a roadside bar on the Outside, a movement of collective power is brewing. A group of revolutionaries–a journalist, a hedge fund manager, and an ancient tree nymph–are tapping into a mythic and elemental magic that will demand that the powerful break the cycle of destruction, or face its consequences.

*Featuring Tony-nominee Jeannette Bayardelle*

Our world is shaped by the stories we choose to tell. What if we made a new myth, for a new world?

Learn more about Metra, and hear some of the songs, at metrathemusical.com

Written by Ned and Emily Hartford

Songs by Ned Hartford

Directed by Emily Hartford

Initial Cast Announcement: Jeannette Bayardelle (Tony-nominee, Girl From the North Country; currently in Gun & Powder at Papermill), Corinna Schulenburg (Flux Theatre Ensemble), Sierra Rein (Fleishman is in Trouble)


239 Thompson Street
New York, NY 10012 United States