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Isadora Duncan International Institute – The Oracular Voice of Beauty

June 20, 6:30 pm7:30 pm.
June 20 Calendar Listing Photo

The Isadora Duncan International Institute will honor the original Delphic Games and their modern reinstatements as they enact Isadora’s Duncan ethos on the merging of the arts in an evening of music, dance, and poetry. Artistic Director Jeanne Bresciani with the Isadora Duncan International Institute dancers will “weave a spellbinding tapestry of artistry and elegance” (NY Social Diary, ‘24). Guest Artists will include Mary DiSanto-Rose, Zoie Lafis, and Cynthia Word. Excerpts from Vince Gagliardi’s video, “MANTO – Movtio,” an immersive 3D experience on the ancient oracle of Delphi will also be presented.


15 Gramercy Park South
New York, 10003