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Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre Premieres Habit Formed at Tribeca PAC

March 2, 7:30 pm9:30 pm.

For the 24th Anniversary Performance Season, Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre will be premiering an evening-length work entitled Habit Formed.

Habit Formed explores how habits are created and broken in our lives. These habits can manifest strength, ease, and freedom and also create limits, boundaries, and affliction. Mounting physical structures, motif, and pattern will embody the ways in which we, as humans, are habit forming creatures. The structures will be unpacked over the course of the evening through a playful, athletic, and sensuous movement vocabulary. The ultimate journey of the work will tell a story of discernment, unpacking how we can be empowered by our habits and not impaired by them.

Habit Formed will include Amanda Selwyn Dance Theatre’s company of 10 dancers, costume design by Anna-Alisa Belous, scenic design by Anna-Alisa Belous and Rob Dutiel, Lighting Design by Dan Ozminkowski, and Sound Design by Joel Wilhelmi.


199 Chambers St.
New York, United States